
I had thought that painting was about suffering and building up the surface, but now realize that a thin veil of paint can say something too.

I had thought that painting was about suffering and building up the surface, but now realize that a thin veil of paint can say something too.

On reading Proust – not from a scholarly approach but experiential. The more you read these long sentences where structure seems to be abandoned, the more you, the reader slows down and the sense of breath becomes present, while the sense of linear time is abandoned. That if we slow ourselves down enough – memory connotes time. Time and memory connote a sense of presence.

David Hare on Vanessa Redgrave playing Joan Didion

” Glacially perfect prose which contains fantastic feeling underneath a formal structure.”

I do not want to be tied to what I see. You do not have to make the case for abstraction or justify.

The painter uses their materials, as a form of alchemy to intuit these patterns on a fictive basis. I am interested in forms that are generated from the internal workings of intuition and thought, and that are independent of what is seen.

A simplified form allows the freedom to delve into the surface more deeply.

Do not be afraid of the mundane.

A paintings limitations and strengths are its surface – and its two dimensionality.

The two dimensional aspect of the image with the three dimensional square or rectangle of the object – a container of feeling. Yes, what meaning does a mark have – can we connect a mark to language? Or can a surface by itself – by just being a surface contain memory and cognition

of the past – present – future.

From the Street of Crocodiles, Bruno Shultz

“The pale pink of human skin, some golden-some blue grey, all flat, warm and velvety in the sun, like sun dials, trodden to the point of obliteration, into blessed nothingness.

what does this mean to me?

Obliteration of material to light, and in Shultz the premonition of annihilation.

Ambiguity between above and below, between heaven and earth.

Opticality of perception or materiality dissolves into experience of seeing where there is no illusion.


The tension in an Agnes Martin is that the painting does not allow you to get close

The tension in an Agnes Martin is that the painting does not allow you to get close – a kind of cool intimacy – her paintings do not envelope you – physically it is more of an optical experience of perception – eye/mind as Agnes Martin said, “I make non-relational abstractions.”

What is silence, emptiness, fear, interval, internal, inside, color, light, emotion, feeling, yes, no, maybe, sometime, tentative, sure, definite, traveling light.

Kirtan music is repetition – allows you to go inward and have more internal space.

Time never stands still but as the earth spins being on a high wire, there is a stillness in the air – a weightlessness without gravity

Painting and a loss of self (ego), is the deepest expression, that also allows the self to surrender to the medium.

In Tibetan Medicine, it is the heart through which the consciousness of the senses flow.

When a viewer looks at a painting, their perception is not limited to the two dimensionality of the object or its static quality.

The mind has patterns that are transitory where there is movement.

Being open when painting is a kind of groundlessness open to ambiguity that threatens the parts of us that want certainty. It is edgy uncomfortable energy of stepping into the next moment without knowing what will happen.

This is necessary to not be able to identify what you are doing, and that allows the process to unfold.

Better to fail at an honest attempt.

These drawings have to be done without looking.

Rilke “pulse is consciousness

January 26th

Optical, illusion, material, air, weight, drip, gravity, color, relational

letting go of struggle means more space and a richer time in the studio.

Can a geometric form be a gesture – at once contained but also open?

There are no straight lines in nature. Geometry is a mental construct that is adaptable to image making and mathematics. Nature is full of irregular edges such as ice – the way ice melts – glaciers.

The image maker creates a fictive reality within the picture plane of a painting. it’s structure, it’s surface – the concreteness of materials.

Morphic Resonance – each successive generation

One generation generating the next. A pattern is expressed.

The intestine is a vascular network of muscle layer

The stomach is a gastric gland and that functions

how we digest and process information

Looking at Guston’s Roma paintings at the Philips Collection – I feel what they mean, but I can not identify or name the feeling.

Werner Herzog film – Cave – paraphrase

Language refers to a certain culture – place – an image is timeless – what was before , what is present, what is future. This is why translation is so important.

These images in the caves according to one archeologist is where the Shaman energy and reality – the spirit world and reality have fused – there is no boundary. A story told about Aborigines always touching on ancient work – if they see it starting to deteriorate – and when asked – why are you doing it? – the reply – I am not doing it – the spirit is guiding me.

This is also the intersection where reality and dream meet.

How the mind works – a narrative becomes how it is constructed that conveys another narrative, that is fictive.

In reading Lolita by Nabokov, it is not so much about the subject – but the language of how it is constructed – sentences become expressions of inside Humbert’s head – reality becomes trauma inside his mind – like Austerlitz by Sebald – a blurring of what reality is, where a person who is traumatized lives inside their mind. The boundary between internal/external no longer exists – all is fused. Where reality and imagination meet – where reality and dream intersect.

The idea of symmetry and light connoting the infinite – the divine and the need to be grounded, to evoke patterns of flow and energy.

The images themselves – a creative fiction are what generate the energetic forces around us that are not seen but felt through the body.


When I was driving from Augusta, Georgia to Abbeville, South Carolina…

When I was driving from Augusta, Georgia to Abbeville, South Carolina, the light was so mesmerizing, and the air so intoxicating, that I had to stop the car before I ended up on the other side of the road.

from Art Koans by Robert C. Morgan

“Rational thought process. Koan is meant to overcome the limitations of the rational solution. The Koan looks for another way of dealing with previously held notions of reality.

This whole thing with language – breath – interval, deeply concerns me.

Dostoyevsky remarked ” twice two makes four seems to me simply a piece of insolence.” One plus one equals three.


The first book about writing – one written in China around 200 AD “The Art of Writing”

The first book about writing – one written in China around 200 AD The Art of Writing by Lu Chi.

In soothing the writer concerned about repeated themes, he reminded him that “a common song sung to a great melody is another way to find beauty.”

A more structural approach to allow for intuitive gestures.


What does Bruno Shultz Labyrinth and Yates poem “The Second Coming” have in common?

What does Bruno Shultz Labyrinth and Yates have in common?


What is the meaning of Labyrinth in Shultz?

Howard, “Every serious translator is a philologist.

Translations offer equivalents and not substitutions.


Vilem Flusser – defines an image as ” a significant surface on which the elements of the image act in magic fashion towards one another.”

Vilem Flusser – defines an image as “a significant surface on which the elements of the image act in magic fashion towards one another.”

The image is a fusion of past, present, and future in a painting.

Jenson – Book on Architecture – “Social space becomes the metaphorical interface where human consciousness meets realms beyond itself. ”

Virtual Ground plan going back to Temples – Centers.

Poet – Yeats – The Second Coming

“Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold

Circular course of motion that becomes a spiral.


Abstract painting in the case of Mondrian or Malevich was thought of as a distillation of visual reality.

Abstract painting in the case of Mondrian or Malevich was thought of as a distillation of visual reality.

The term ‘concrete’ referred to painting that was autonomous, that referred to nothing outside itself from objective reality.


“Great art is to create from the invisible and intangible purely and simply experienced, a visible and tangible reality; a reality that is not simply a copy or image, but which, as the created work, has a soul and life of its own, which imposes itself supremely on the senses of the spectator.


Sometimes when I start hearing a horn play – such as Coltrane’s late music – the color begins to resonate and I know I have arrived with the painting.

Sometimes when I start hearing a horn play – such as Coltrane’s late music – the color begins to resonate and I know I have arrived with the painting.

The forms in my paintings are generated from the patterns of the internal workings of thought which are independent of what is seen ‘ in nature’.

A space has to be charged with energy like the Cinnamon Shops in Bruno Shultz.

Like going through a Labyrinth of one of Shultz’s stories where linear time and space seize to exist.

What we don’t know we invent, and we invent from our imagination.

My roots are in space and light.

That is where freedom is.

Working from intuition in gathering light / space.

Wait and it will come.

Not subjective gestural expressions of angst or primordial energies.

The semi-permeable membrane is where a cell can control what comes in and out.


Why am I drawn to the painter Seurat?

Why am I drawn to the painter Seurat?

Material flatness – can go beyond the silhouette or forms that are crushed. Greenberg’s desire to banish illusionism from painting, insisting ‘upon the real and material plane.’ Painting could only be about itself. Stella- what you see – the flatness of the picture plane. I do not agree with that.

What is discordance?

What is vibration?

Light as vibration through color relationships that go beyond Greenbergian formalism.

Discordance – can create vibration and movement through color. Form becomes transitory, like the flight of birds – Murmuration

Between internal – inside of the body and external environment?

Close your eyes – then see the forms.

Where does mind and imagination meet?

The experience of being in Le Chapelle, Paris and Bach. Unaccompanied Cello.

Make gestural formal patterns – thought made visible – structure.


Today I felt the correlation between the horizontal movement of painting and the earths platelets.

Today I felt the correlation between the horizontal movement of painting and the earths platelets. The sensation of things that are not lined up – sliding as they meet.

Relationship of words.

The energy can feel concrete – but maybe not. It is the image, the canvas-paint-materials, that become concrete.

The energy transcends through process .

The image you get is the gestalt.

Not a picture depicting ‘something’ but an energy – a moment in time where the image can simulate a thought or a pattern of speech.

Everything has a vibration and sets off a vibration.

An image sets off a vibration.

I still believe in the authenticity of the encounter – between a painting and the other. Humor as subversive. One day all I drew was my thumb.

What would seem like a mechanical process is really creating a resonance with the energies that surround us and the self, through patterns as expressive of that energy.





