Today I felt the correlation between the horizontal movement of painting and the earths platelets.

Today I felt the correlation between the horizontal movement of painting and the earths platelets. The sensation of things that are not lined up – sliding as they meet.

Relationship of words.

The energy can feel concrete – but maybe not. It is the image, the canvas-paint-materials, that become concrete.

The energy transcends through process .

The image you get is the gestalt.

Not a picture depicting ‘something’ but an energy – a moment in time where the image can simulate a thought or a pattern of speech.

Everything has a vibration and sets off a vibration.

An image sets off a vibration.

I still believe in the authenticity of the encounter – between a painting and the other. Humor as subversive. One day all I drew was my thumb.

What would seem like a mechanical process is really creating a resonance with the energies that surround us and the self, through patterns as expressive of that energy.





